Friday, September 24, 2010

New Name?

Super Gimp was born out of the empowerment kids with cancer and disABILITIES received when seeing my tattoo and all the things I could do, disABILITY or not! To this day, I still am not certain whether I made up the name, or the kids who were empowered by my efforts gave me the title, either way, it's a name & logo that is meant to EMPOWER not offend.

At the end of the day, every thing we do is WHAT WE MAKE IT! Should people choose to see "Super Gimp" in a negative light, there is nothing we can do about that...I've come to the conclusion, everyone is going to have "haters." All I can say, is I'm sorry to those people who choose not to see the positive empowerment Super Gimp can provide. And to those who do see it, feel it, embrace it...Don't ever stop, always focus on what you CAN, never what you can't!

So what now? Well, we've come to the conclusion that to make potential donors and sponsors comfortable with supporting our efforts, we will have to go the politically correct route. But don't get me wrong, I also want to be sensitive to those who are not yet comfortable with their disABILITY or simply the word "gimp." We will be changing our name in 2011 to match the likes of most organizations out there...match their politically correct use of "adaptive."

But at the end of the day our mission and my dreams are not about a logo or even a name, but about providing opportunities of an elite, competitive and recreational nature for people with disABILITIES who want to be active, fit and healthy! That's what's most important! And those who want to be or affiliate themselves with being a "Super Gimp," will indeed still have the opportunity to do so! With this change, Super Gimp will not go away, it will become a program of the overall organization.

Thank you to all those who have supported us 'til now, we hope you will continue to do so, and that with this organizational change we will bring in new donors and sponsors to support our efforts!

The name? TBD. Any suggestions?